Q | W | E | R | T | Y | U | I | O | P | ||||||||||
A | S | D | F | G | H | J | K | L | |||||||||||
Z | X | C | V | B | N | M |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | |
9 | |
10 | |
11 | |
12 | |
13 | |
14 | |
Fail |
Words456 is a English word puzzle game that consists of one 4,5, and 6 letter word each arranged in a crossword pattern.
The player is allowed 14 total word guesses to solve all three words. Each word is solved one-by-one in any order.
For each guessed word, the letters that are found in the target word and also match in position will be colored green while the letters that are found but do not match in position will be colored yellow. Letters that are not found in the target word will be colored grey.
Touch any of the three words to start playing.
A new Words456 shared challenge puzzle will be presented to all players each day. Players can play addition practice rounds after the daily challenge is completed each day.